While outlining hiring strategies for numerous law firms and speaking with managing partners, I realised the significance of soft skills in budding and even inexperienced lawyers.

I am sure you will agree with me that traditional educational institutions have frequently prioritised technical abilities and knowledge over the development of soft skills. However, there is a rising appreciation for the value of holistic education that includes both technical and human-centred skills. In the past, we used to focus primarily on hiring candidates with impressive academic qualifications and technical expertise. While those are undoubtedly valuable, we’ve come to realize that soft skills play a pivotal role in an individual’s success in the workplace.

As someone who has spent close to two decades in legal recruitment and vigilantly monitoring the recent transition during and post-pandemic, I have witnessed a concerning trend: more and more applicants are being turned down for interviews not because they lack technical aptitude, but because they lack essential soft skills. This realization highlights a critical issue and calls for a complete overhaul of our pedagogical approach to education. It is becoming increasingly clear that how we teach is just as important as what we teach.

In the legal sector, the demand for lawyers with natural human traits and strong interpersonal abilities will increase. While technological advancements and automated tools provide pre-made solutions, the ability to reason and make a compelling case remains essential. Creativity is highly sought-after, as it allows lawyers to approach legal issues from innovative perspectives. Additionally, skills related to cooperation, problem-solving, analytical thinking, and communication are highly valued in this evolving landscape.

By emphasizing the development of soft skills alongside technical knowledge, we can better equip individuals, including aspiring lawyers, to excel in an era where human qualities are highly valued and machines can handle routine tasks.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that a balanced education approach that combines technical skills with essential human qualities is key to preparing individuals, especially Gen Z, to work in challenging environments within the legal sector in India and beyond.

What’s your take?..


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